The Boxer Breed History

The breed known as the Boxer originated in Germany. The Boxer is descended from the ancient molosser-type breeds that once lived in many parts of the world mainly in most parts of Europe and Asia. It wasn’t until the late 19th century when the Boxer breed started to evole and develop from the now exstinct Bullenbiesser.

This ancient dog was then bred by selective breeding and crossing breeding with the English Bulldog brought in from Great Britain, which gave the Boxer its famous expressions and white markings. The final step to the making of the Boxer we know today, occurred in 1895 in Munich, where a dog by the name of Flock was entered into an experimental dog show class.

Flock was then registered as the 1st Boxer in the book of records. Out of all the dogs registered as boxers after Flock, there was four dogs that stood out Two females known as Blanka Von Argentor and Meta v.d. Passage; and two males Wotan and Flock St. Salvator himself. The four dogs originated two distinct lines: one from Wotan that carried marked type and great strength; the other by Flock St. Salvator that possessed a square and elegant buld. The union of these two lines laid the real foundation from which the Boxer breed would develop.